Healthy Cures For MS

While the medical community continues its search for cures for MS perhaps they are looking in the wrong direction. Seeking to cure everything with more and stronger drugs may not always be the answer. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body attacks perfectly normal cells under the premise that they are harmful and need to be destroyed. The destruction of these cells occurs in the brain and myelin sheath of the spinal cord.

Research has shown that this is a modern disease and has become prevalent among the affluent temperate nations in the world. In the warmer climates where people are poor there are almost no reported cases of MS. Cures therefore should be looked at from the angle of what is it that these poor nations have that the wealthier ones do not. They must have something that is preventing them from contracting this devastating disease.

The current diet of most people affected by multiple sclerosis is one that is high in saturated fats and processed foods. MS sufferers also typically live in areas where the amount of natural sunlight they are exposed to is somewhat limited. This combination provides them with few of the natural vitamins and minerals that their body requires for healthy survival. Perhaps then we should look to the nations who have no processed foods and live in hot arid climates with plenty of sunshine year round for the cures for MS.

Over the years many supplements and diets have been touted as cures for MS, most of them have at best had limited success if any at all. The human body requires some 92 naturally occurring minerals to thrive; today’s foods only contain traces of 8 of them. Could this mineral deficiency be a contributor to a person developing multiple sclerosis? Some researchers believe that by changing a patient’s diet to include foods that are high in these mineral along with essential fatty acids and vitamins can go a long way to helping find a way to cure multiple sclerosis. Many patients who have made these dietary changes have reported the disappearance of lesions in their MRI scans and have not had relapses for years.